Posted: Sunday, January 26, 2014 6:00 pm

Workforce Solutions Upper Rio Grande is making education in the STEM fields – science, technology, engineering and math – a priority for the region, as part of its goal to bring high-skill, high-wage jobs to the region.
To help with that, Mike Acosta, an El Pasoan and former IBM engineer, has joined Workforce as its STEM consultant.
“Acosta is a pioneer in STEM that will influence key stakeholders and our community to see the significance of STEM education and careers,” said Lorenzo Reyes Jr., CEO of Workforce Solutions.
During Acosta’s long career in engineering, including 18 years at UTEP, he has served as national president of the Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists, focusing on STEM education.
At a STEM Summit on Thursday, Acosta announced a STEM Fiesta that will be held in May. The event will feature hands-on science and engineering activities for students, including gaming and robotics, while highlighting the importance of STEM careers.
Workforce Solutions Upper Rio Grande is organizing a regional STEM Taskforce for upcoming initiatives.
If your company, institution or organization is interested in participating, contact Acosta at .